Week 9 of Distance Learning in Mrs. Connolly’s K/1 Virtual Class!


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Continue reading from your Raz-Kids accounts.

Our class’ username is Westsyde.

Please email me if your child has forgotten his/her password and I will send it to you as soon as possible.


Canada in My Pocket by Michael Mitchell

You can access the google document with the spelling test on page 2 below.



Please continue to practice the sight words found in these books. Let me know if you would like a hard copy and I can have one left outside on the table at the front door of the school. The videos can be found on the sample week 9 plan below if you would like to access the digital versions.

books read aloud online
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click on image to access the website
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Click on image to access website

username: WestsydeWarriors

password: trial


A Chair for my Mother by Vera Williams



Please have children complete these questions sometime before June 15th if possible. They can complete the sentence starter in a video, audio or writen format that can be posted on the Student FreshGrade app.



Students can write anything they want in their journals. Here is a sentence starter that may help them begin.

If I saved enough money I would like to buy ______________________________ because _____________________________.

(Second sentence encouraged but optional for grade 1 students.)

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Grade 1 students can continue to pick a book they would like to read from their Raz-Kids accounts and write the title in their agendas on the correct date every day of the week.


Continue to write in mini books if your child has taken an interest in making books. Here is a book called the Good Egg by Jory John. We read this several times in class and it was frequently requested by students during inside days at lunch hour.


How to draw a sofa chair.


Measuring money

Find things in your house that cost about $5. See if you can determine which items are needed and which items are wanted.

Find items in your house that cost more than $100. See if you can determine if your items fall in the category of “needs” or “wants”.

Post pictures of your find in the Measurement Scavenger Hunt in the Student FreshGrade app.


Continue to count coins!

Continue to estimate the number of objects in your collection, and now maybe try estimating the value of your coin collection. Was your estimate close to the actual amount? Have your child record their counting on paper in a way that makes sense to him or her.

Here is an article explaining the value of this activity, if you would like to read up on the importance of counting objects during the early years of a child’s education.


Please have your child post their work using the FreshGrade Student app under the counting collections activity. They can post a short video too.


Students can continue to explain which one doesn’t belong or which two are the most alike. Practicing to think critically is one of the core competencies that is part of the BC curriculum. Students can post an audio explanation of their choices on the WODB activity in the FreshGrade Student app.


Students can answer the questions in the following images (that I downloaded from mathbeforebed.com) and discuss how they got to their answer. Students could write a number sentence or drawing of their answers if they would like as well. The last image will be the most challenging number talk. Students can post their written or oral explanations of their answers on the Number Talks activity on the FreshGrade Student app.

Number Talks #25
Number Talks #26
Number Talks #27
counting coins, counting backward from 30 & SKIP COUNTING BY 2S, 5S AND 10S

Again, if you have an older person (parent, sibling, grandparent) in your family that lives with you that knows how to play an instrument, knit a scarf, bake or cook a delicious recipe, tie a fly, or any other interesting skill, please take advantage of this time you have to learn their special skill. Having an “in the flesh” teacher help your child learn something from an elder will be way better than anything I can try to teach your children through a device. It will also likely improve your relationship!

ZOOM MEETINGS – THURSDAYS @ 9:45, 10:30 & 11:15

I have changed our Zoom meeting schedule again as we had a record turnout last week. There will be 3 different meeting times and the meeting will last 45 minutes. I will sent out a reminder on Thurday morning with the times and invitations embedded in the email. We will go through the Blog during the Zoom meeting. You can also look at the google document below to see your scheduled time to attend. If you would like your child to meet at an alternate time, please let me know and we can arrange another meeting time that works for both of us.


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A sample of school work expectations for this week can be found on the link below. You are not expected to follow this schedule, it is just there to give you an idea of what you can have your child do each day. Friday May 15 is a Professional Development day and students are not expected to do school work on that day.


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