Week 4 of Distance Learning in Mrs. Connolly’s K/1 Virtual Class!

FreshGrade Student accounts
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Almost everyone has created their child’s student FreshGrade account. If you have not yet created your child’s account and would like assistance, please email me and I will try my best to assist you.

Here are some written instructions on how to login to your child’s Student FreshGrade account. Some parents found these instructions easier than the video, as the video was too fast and somewhat blurry…

When logging on to the FreshGrade Student app, go below the request for Access Code window on the student app

There should be some blue text that states          

I Have An Account              – click on this

Again go below the windows that request Username and password to the blue text that states

Go To District Account Log In  – click on this

Type in SD73 in the District Name window and

SD73 Kamloops/Thompson Canada British Columbia

should pop up below the window – click on this

A School District No. 73 window will pop up

Your child’s username should be firstname.lastname

Your child’s password will start with sd then his/her pupil number which starts with a 2 and is 7 digits long.

Usernames and passwords were sent out to individuals through the Parent app on April 5th. Email me if you are unable to find your child’s login information.

Uploading work using audio, video or images are possible with this app. I am hoping this will be a routine that students can start and eventually become independent at posting. Posting on the FreshGrade Student account can also help prepare your child for social media and what is appropriate and inappropriate when sharing digital information, in a very safe environment. I am hoping students can choose 2 samples of work, in any subject, to post each week. If you fall behind, it will be easy to catch up. Depending on how long this lasts, I am hoping that all activities will have at least one sample of work uploaded.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is raz-kids.png

Some students weren’t able to access higher level books. I adjusted the settings on my teacher account and students should be able to access books all the way up to level Z. Please let me know if you are having any problems using the Raz-kids accounts.

Our class’ username is Westsyde.

Please email me if your child has forgotten his/her password and I will send it to you as soon as possible.


Earth Day is on Wednesday, April 22nd.

Please see google doc link below



Level 1 and level 2 books can be found on last week’s blog sent out on April 6 through email.

Green Level 3 Book
Yellow Level 4 Book
Purple Level 5 Book

Students who can read words independently in each level can move on to the next level. I suggest students try to work on one page at a time. Book 5 is the last book in this series. If your child is able to complete all 5 level, s/he can read up to level Z on the Raz-kids account. There was a problem with some students not being able to access higher levels, but that has now been fixed and your child should be able to read any level up to Z. Epic is another program similar to Raz-Kids that can be accessed for more reading practice. Information on how to log into our class account can be found at the following post.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is storyline-online.png
click on image to access the website
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tumble-books.png
Click on image to access website

username: WestsydeWarriors

password: trial


I Can Save the Earth by Alison Inches and Viviana Garofoli.



Students can write anything they want in their journals. Here is a sentence starter that may help them begin.

I can save the earth by ______________________. I think it’s important to save our earth because ________________________.

(Second sentence encouraged but optional for grade 1 students.)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is writing-checklist.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is agenda-entry.png

Grade 1 students can continue to pick a book they would like to read from their Raz-Kids accounts and write the title in their agendas on the correct date every day of the week. Parents may have to help their child find the correct date. Students were cutting the bottom corner of their agendas every Monday so students could easily access the current week. Students develop a sense of confidence when they accompish tasks they are good at and your children were all good at doing their journal entries when we were attending school.


Continue to write in mini books if your child has taken an interest in making books with word bubbles. Here is another example of a simple book with word bubbles.


How to draw a puppy! Good luck and have fun!


SHAPE OF THE WEEK – Rectangles and square based prisms

We will continue to learn about 2D and 3D shapes this week and students can search around their house and yard for rectangles and square based prism objects. Students could take pictures of these objects and post them onto their FreshGrade accounts using the FreshGrade Student app.

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square based prism

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is counting-collections.png

Continue to estimate the number of objects in your collections before counting them. Was your estimate close to the actual amount?

Please have your child post their work using the FreshGrade Student app under the counting collections activity. They can post a short video too.

Please post their patterned collections too.

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Which One Doesn’t Belong? Why?

Students can continue to explain which one doesn’t belong in this week’s slide. They can also try explaining which two are the most alike. Critical thinking is one of the core competencies that is part of the BC curriculum. Students can post an audio explanation of their choices on the WODB activity in the FreshGrade Student app.


Students can answer the questions in the following images (that I downloaded from mathbeforebed.com) and discuss how they got to their answer. Students could write a number sentence or drawing of their answers if they would like as well. The last image will be the most challenging number talk. Students can post their written or oral explanations of their answers on the Number Talks activity on the FreshGrade Student app.

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Question #10
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Question #11
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is number-talks-12.png
Question #12

Keep listening to these songs so that your child can become a proficient at counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.


Although this pandemic has drastically changed our lives, it has also given some of us the gift of time. We have more time to spend with our family members which means we also have more time to learn from our family members. Students’ moms or dads or any other older person (sibling, grandparent) in your family that lives with you may know how to play an instrument, knit a scarf, bake or cook a delicious recipe, tie a fly, or any other interesting skill. Take this time for your child to learn from an elder and share what your child has learned on the Student FreshGrade app, even if that is all you do during the week. Having an “in the flesh” teacher help your child learn something from an elder will be way better than anything I can try to teach your children through a device.

ZOOM MEETINGS – THURSDAYS @ 10:00, 10:30 & 11:00

It was great to see everyone who could make our Zoom meetings again last week! This week we are going to have story time, and I am going to read a book to our class and students can make predictions, connections and share any questions they may have before, during and after reading the book. We will also get a chance to do a quick show and tell after story time. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again on Thursday!

I have changed our Zoom meeting schedule a bit so please check what time your child is scheduled to join us. I am going to change some of the boys around so that more students can see each other. Please let me know if your child would like to be put in another group and I will try and accommodate your requests.


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Sample of Week 4 Plan can be found on the google doc below.


Week 3 of Distance Learning in Mrs. Connolly’s K/1 Virtual Class!

FreshGrade Student accounts
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is freshgrade-student-app.png

Thank you to all parents who managed to log into their child’s FreshGrade Student account. The FreshGrade parent app only allows parents to post comments. The student app allows students to post their work into their activities. Once you log your child into their account I will be able to comment and give feedback on each assignment submitted. I am finding this form of communication way more effective than responding to emails of images of your child’s work.

Here are some written instructions on how to login to your child’s Student FreshGrade account. Some parents found these instructions easier than the video, as the video was too fast and somewhat blurry…

When logging on to the FreshGrade Student app, go below the request for Access Code window on the student app

There should be some blue text that states          

I Have An Account              – click on this

Again go below the windows that request Username and password to the blue text that states

Go To District Account Log In  – click on this

Type in SD73 in the District Name window and

SD73 Kamloops/Thompson Canada British Columbia

should pop up below the window – click on this

A School District No. 73 window will pop up

Your child’s username should be firstname.lastname

Your child’s password will start with sd then his/her pupil number which starts with a 2 and is 7 digits long.

Usernames and passwords were sent out to individuals through the Parent app on April 5th. Email me if you are unable to find your child’s login information.

There will be repeat activities that students can complete and post through the FreshGrade Student app (green app). Hopefully this will be a routine that students can start and eventually become independent at posting. Posting on the FreshGrade Student account can also help prepare your child for social media and what is appropriate and inappropriate when sharing digital information, in a very safe environment. I am hoping students can choose 2 samples of work, in any subject, to post each week. If you fall behind, it will be easy to catch up. Depending on how long this lasts, I am hoping that all activities will have at least one sample of work uploaded.



Our class’ username is Westsyde.

Please email me if your child has forgotten his/her password and I will send it to you as soon as possible.


I am focusing on healthy habits during this time as I feel that when we eventually return to normal, students understand the importance of protecting themselves and others from spreading germs.

Please help your child post a photo of his/her responses to the “spelling test” in the FreshGrade student app. The response would only need to be the missing words in the correct order on a blank piece of paper. If you have a printer and want to print off the spelling test, that is fine too. An example of what the post should look like is found below. I will start numbering the words in the poems from now on. I have now included numbers next to blanks to help students write the words in the correct numerical order – see sample below.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is annotation-2020-04-07-133118.png

This week’s poem is Cough, Cough, Cough and Sneeze (to the tune of Row, Row, Row your boat).

Please see google doc link below.



Level 1 and level 2 books can be found on last week’s blog sent out on April 6 through email.

Green Level 3 book
Yellow level 4 book

Students who can read words independently in each level can move on to the next level. I suggest students try to work on one page at a time.

Books read aloud online
click on image to access the website
Click on image to access website

username: WestsydeWarriors

password: trial


Germs! Germs! Germs! by Bobbi Katz



Students can write anything they want in their journals. Here is a sentence starter that may help them begin.

The best part of doing school at home is ______________________. I like _____________ because ________________________.

(Second sentence encouraged but optional for grade 1 students.)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is writing-checklist.png

Grade 1 students can continue to pick a book they would like to read from their Raz-Kids accounts and write the title in their agendas on the correct date every day of the week. Parents may have to help their child find the correct date. Students were cutting the bottom corner of their agendas every Monday so students could easily access the current week. Students develop a sense of confidence when they accompish tasks they are good at and your children were all good at doing their journal entries when we were attending school.

mini books

Continue to write in mini books if your child has taken an interest in making books with word bubbles.


Here is a directed drawing activity by  Rob Biddulph, a children’s author and illustrator, that your child may want to try and attempt. He is from the UK and students in the UK are also stuck at home like us, trying to find fun things to do during the pandemic.


SHAPE OF THE WEEK – cubes and squares

We will continue to learn about 2D and 3D shapes this week and students can search around their house and yard for square or cube-shaped objects. Students could take pictures of these objects and post them onto their FreshGrade accounts using the FreshGrade Student app.


In the classroom students often estimated the number of objects in their collections before counting them. They were always excited to have an estimate that was close to the actual amount.

Please have your child post their work using the FreshGrade Student app under the counting collections activity. They can post a short video too.

Please post their patterned collections too.


Students can continue to explain which one doesn’t belong in this week’s slide. They can also try explaining which two are the most alike. Critical thinking is one of the core competencies that is part of the BC curriculum. Students can post an audio explanation of their choices on the WODB activity in the FreshGrade Student app.


Students can answer the questions in the following images (that I downloaded from mathbeforebed.com) and discuss how they got to their answer. Students could write a number sentence or drawing of their answers if they would like as well. The last image will be the most challenging number talk. Students can post their written or oral explanations of their answers on the Number Talks activity on the FreshGrade Student app.

Question #7
Question #8
Question #9
Helping around the house

Depending on your family situation, this can be a great opportunity to encourage your children to help out and learn about chores and tasks that need to be done around the house. Some ideas include…

How to wash, dry and sort laundry

How to load and run the dishwasher

How to contribute to making meals

How to make a grocery list

How to water the plants

How to clean the bathroom

How to vacuum or sweep

Children like to contribute and feel like they are an important part of a community. This is something that I feel is very true in a classroom setting, but with persistence and routine, can also be achieved in a home setting. Assigning the same routine chores for your child to accomplish will likely get easier as time passes. Students will also feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when they accomplishing their important household tasks.

Have fun Without using a screen!

ZOOM MEETINGS – THURSDAYS @ 10:00, 10:30 & 11:00

It was great to see everyone who could make our Zoom meetings last week! Now that most of us have figured it out, we are going to try and have a bit more structure so that everyone who wants to talk can have a turn. I will be muting students and they can raise their hand if they would like to share. It will be like a virtual show and tell this week and your child can show and tell anything that matters to him/her. Can’t wait to see everyone again on Thursday!

Our Zoom meeting schedule is the same schedule as last week. Please click on link below to see your scheduled time. I tried to put students who were friends in the same groups. Please let me know if your child would like to be put in another group and I will try and accommodate your requests.


Mrs. Connolly’s Virtual Kindergarten Classroom additional online resources

All new resrouces will be posted at the top of this blog throughout the week.

Heart Smart activities for distance learning

Stop motion video tutorials


Learn to animate 1 frame at a time by watching the short videos. You can download the Stopmo studio app for free until June 30th.

Here is an example of a video that (older) students in our district created.

cooking with kids







Daily home LITERACY learning opportunities – kindergarten


Lego challenges



the TNRD has made it easy to sign up for a library card online

If you do not already have a library card, but would like to access some of the great online resources they have, please go to the link below.




Independent study pack for kindergarten


The independent study packs require a printer. If you would like I could print off the worksheets and you could pick them up from school, you would just need to let me know. I have never been a teacher who assigns a lot of worksheets, but I know when I do, they seem very content to work on them. If this is something that you feel your child would like to work on, please print them off or let me know you would like to pick them up from the school, and have your child complete the written assignments. There are 6 weeks worth of assignments that s/he can complete. I believe a new assignment is added each week.

KidsHealth Resource

The PDF file below may help your child become more aware of how to avoid catching the flu or other sicknesses. The poem of the week came from this resource.

Tumble Books

This website is similar to storyline online minus the famous actor. Books are read aloud virtually to students. There is a huge variety of books that students can pick to have read to him/her. If you have a public library card with the TNRD you will have access to this program as well.


username: WestsydeWarriors

password: trial

IXL Math and Language Arts online learning

Another teacher at our school recommended this online learing program, and parents have also been happy with what their children are learning. I have created a class account. If you would like your child to access this online learning program, please let me know and I can add him/her to my class roster.


National Film Board of Canada

There are some great short movies that the National Film Board of Canada has opened up for all to view. Here is a recommended list of 15 videos for students aged 5 -9 years.



The link below was recommended by my principal and students can access our account by clicking on the link below


Entering our school code – 66DE16874

Selecting student icon

Selecting Mrs. C Kindergarten Grade 1 class

Selecting your child’s initials – eg. Alesha Connolly would be AC

Password is love (all lower case letters – many kids in Grade 1 know how to spell this word)

Students can complete reading and math activities up to a grade 3 level


Below is a link to their Early Learning website. This is an additional resource that we have not yet used in the classroom but some students may want to explore this website. It has videos, games, stories and activities.


Login ID is wss

Password is bcsd73


A great interactive, early literacy website/app to help students identify letter sounds. (This is a new website that was suggested to me for some of the students who are still learning their letter sounds. All students can access their accounts though, some students will find it more challenging than others.)

Students can login to their account by visiting the Lalilo website below


Click on “I am a student” button

Enter school Code IXGJQZ

Click on Mrs. C (green cow – lol)

Each student is identified by their initials (first and last name – eg. Alesha Connolly would be Ac)

Brain Pop Junior

Students can create an account using the following information for our class by clicking on the link below


You can save your username and password to your BrainPop Junior account by sending it to me via FreshGrade Student or Parent App.

Mystery Science

Students loved watching videos from Mystery Doug. This website has set up free access during school closures.


Yoga for kids

Sometimes we would do yoga in our classrooms and follow this video. Students may remember this activity and could follow the routine.


Please email me to let me know if you would like to access the Epic reading tool online. You can follow the direction in the link provided. This program allows me to assign individual books at a child’s reading level.

Bird project

Students have their bird of choice posted on FreshGrade under Bird Project. The following website can be used to help your child find information about their bird.


Help students find out anything they may be interested in learning about their bird.

Examples of inquiry questions include…

Does my bird migrate?

What is my bird’s map range?

What does my bird like to eat?

Is my bird an omnivore (eats plants and animals), herbivore (eats plants only), or carnivore (eats animals only)?

How do the baby birds get food?

Do the boys (males) and girls (females) look the same?

About how long does my bird live?

Does my bird mate for life?

How many eggs does my bird lay per clutch?

How long does it take for my birds to hatch? (incubation time)

How long do the baby birds live with their parents?

How do the feet and beak of my bird help it survive?

How does my bird keep it’s feet warm?

What sounds does my bird make?

Where does my bird typically build its nest?

What does my bird’s nest look like?

Is my bird endangered?

How wide is the wing span of my bird?

Week 1 of Distance Learning in Mrs. Connolly’s K/1 Virtual Class!

Language Arts

In this plan, I have included a lot of the things we were doing in our classroom before the pandemic arrived. Students can access some of these resources digitally using the links provided. Maybe the familiarity of the activities will give them a sense of normalcy during these anything-but-normal times…



Online books that student can read at their reading level. Students in Mrs. Connolly’s class will be familiar with this program as we were using it during reading groups.

Our class’ username is Westsyde.


Please email me if your child has forgotten his/her password and I will send it to you as soon as possible.


Poem of the Week – Wash your hands .

I have included a link to the google doc, with the “spelling test” included on the second page of that document. Students could complete the assignment by printing the words that are missing in the correct order on a blank piece of paper.



These are the pink books that were sent home at the beginning of the year in. If your child is beyond that book, and would like another level, please let me know via email. A new level will be posted each week. Your child can work at their own pace on these books, Grade 1 students should aim to complete the pink book by the end of June.


This is a website with books read aloud by famous actors. We have read books from this website before and students will recognize some of these books. They can choose books they would like to have read to them.


Story of the week


Journal Entries

Students can draw and write on any piece of paper or in a notebook you have from home. I am not encouraging parents to come to school at this time, but if you would really like to get your child’s journal, and other writing books, email me and I can help arrange for it to be picked up. You can have your child write and draw anything they would like, I have listed what my expectations were when I was teaching in the classroom, and you can try and encourage your child to do the same at home, but getting them using pencil and paper to draw and print anything they would like is a great accomplishment in itself.

Kindergarten students were expected to follow the rule of 5s when competing their journal entries in a classroom setting. I would usually scribe a sentence below their drawing that each child would dictate to me.

5 details – their drawing should include at least 5 different details

5 colours (assuming you have colouring tools) – their drawing should have at least 5 different colours

5 letters – their drawing should be labelled with at least 5 letters that represent the beginning sounds of each detail

Grade 1 students were expected to complete a sentence starter, that was written on the board, and students would use inventive spelling to finish the final words in their sentences. Grade 1 students were also encouraged to write a second sentence if they could. Please do what works for you and your family. This week’s example of a sentence starter is….

When I go outside I like to __________. It’s fun to __________ because __________. (Second sentence encouraged but optional for students.)


Grade 1 students can be encouraged to pick a book they would like to read from their Raz-Kids accounts and write the title in their agendas on the correct date. Parents may have to help their child find the correct date. Students were cutting the bottom corner of their agendas every Monday so students could easily access the current week. Students were usually able to do this independently before we went home from school in March. I always had the date posted on the white board for their reference.

making mini Books

When Mrs. Dean came into our classroom during the first week of March students had a lot of fun making mini books, using word bubbles for their characters. These books were based on the very popular Elephant and Piggy Books, written by Mo Willems. We made the mini books by folding the paper in half and stapling it together along the folded seam.

Directed Drawing

Most students really liked drawing objects through direct teacher instruction of each detail. There are several YouTube videos that will guide your child through this process and I’ve included a link below to one that I’ve used with my own children. Students can draw on recycled paper usin a pencil, pen or felt to complete their drawing.



Shape of the week – circles and spheres

We were scheduled to start learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week and students can search around their house and yard this week for circular or spherical shaped objects. Students could take pictures of those objects as a kind of scavenger hunt activity if it interests them.



Count collections

Students did this regularly in the classroom using a variety of collections. Find items at home that you can count by 1s, or in groups of 2s, 5s, and 10s. See if your child can represent their collections on paper, and writing out the quantities of their collections. If you create multiple collections, have your child go ahead and pattern them together in linear or circular shapes.

Which one doesn’t belong (WODB)

We regularly completed a WODB slide and students were expected to share which one they thought did not belong and explain why. The link below will allow you to access other images if you would like to try more slides.


Number Talks

Students can count the dots in the following images (that I downloaded from mathbeforebed.com) and discuss how they got to the amount. Students could write a number sentence if they would like as well (eg. 2 + 3 + 4 = 9, or 5 + 4 = 9 or 7+2 = 9). The last image will be the most challenging number talk.

Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Skip counting by 2s and 5s

We regularly watched these videos at the end of the day when getting dressed to go home. They will recognize these songs from the YouTube videos.

Please reply to my email

If everyone could reply to the email that I sent on Monday, March 30th to let me know that they are receiving my emails. If I have not heard from you by Wednesday, I will try contacting parents through a phone call.

Take care of yourselves, practice social distancing and wash you hands!

My blog intentions…

I am a Kindergarten/Grade 1 teacher at Westmount Elementary. I have had the very fortunate opportunity to use 10 iPads in my classroom all year. This is also a very daunting opportunity, just google iPads primary classroom and you will see how much information there is out there on what to do with those devices… So I decided to enroll in a course that focuses on using technology with students and hopefully give me an idea about how to weed through all of the information out there with a critical eye. The course I chose to sign up for is called the Teacher Librarian as the Technology Leader. It is an online course offered through Queens University in Ontario. However, our instructor is from Langley and the focus is on the British Columbia curriculum and school system. It has also been a dream of mine to become a teacher librarian one day and share my passion for reading, learning, and working with children. As part of the course requirements, I am expected to create a blog, which is what you are reading now. I have only recently decided to add this post to the beginning of my blog, as I am realizing there may be people out there wondering what my intentions are with this blog. So now you know! Enjoy and all feedback is welcome!

Week 37 of learning with Ms. Connolly


Please look into signing your child up for the summer reading program offered by the Thompson Nicola Regional Library. There is often a “summer reading slide” for primary readers as they get out of the routine of reading at least 5 days a week, in a classroom setting. Westsyde receives a weekly visit from the bookmobile every Tuesday evening from 5-7 in the Save-on-Foods parking lot. Books can be ordered online and delivered by the bookmobile to Westsyde on Tuesdays. Please access this service by clicking on the link below.


The school district also has the Bright Red Book Bus that will be coming to Westsyde Centenniel park on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 from July 5 – August 20th.


we will be singing a lot of songs this week, without a spelling test as this is our last week of spelling tests.

sight word & fluency phrases books

Most students completed their pink sight word and fluency phrases books this year. Please let me know if you would like a book for your child to work on over the summer. There are 5 books in this sight word series.

You can also access sight words for beginning readers at the link below.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725




We were able to read Lily Learns About Needs and Wants last week but not able to complete the loose parts writing. Instead students completed a cut and paste worksheet sorting needs and wants. This week we will be reading about summertime activities and things we will need to do and things that we want to do over the summer months.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 2 sentences about their creations.

After 20 minutes of silent reading students have also been creating mini books with at least 10 words while groups are meeting with myself or support staff. This seems to be a highly motivational writing time as students love to create their own stories with illustrations using premise blank books.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email. This Friday will be the last day of home


Math Tips for Parents – I found a great resource from our district literacy coordinator Katie McCormack. She has a YouTube Channel with some videos that parents can view if they are interested in doing more math with their child at home. Please click on the link below to view those short videos.


Students continue to learn about money and the value of different coins. We will also be learning to differentiate the difference between needs and wants as part of our financial literacy unit.

which one doesn’t belong
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided InstructioN

Kingston was going away for 2 weeks on summer vacation at the Shuswap. Then he was going to meet His friend Ryker and camp with him for 6 days in August. How many days did Kingston spend on holidays all together?


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We will continue to spend most of our PE blocks outside until the end of the year.


Students have been having fun using the boomwackers to play songs about objects in the sky. Our best song so far is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

We will also be playing some fun drama games this week.



This week we will continue to learn about objects in the sky, especially the planets. and constellations. Information about these objects will be shared from the website below.


The link below is a lesson for primary students called “Luna’s Book of Constellations” found at Discovery Education, a program that teachers use in our district. However passwords are required to access these resources, and I’m not sure if this link will be accessible to you…



I have received several photos of students as children this past week. We have had fun trying to identify who this person is. Please email a photograph of your child as a baby/toddler, or through the years if you have all of those photos. We are sequencing images over time and learning about what has changed and what has stayed the same. We will be looking at life cycles of animals and plants, along with images of our community from years ago and compare them with images from our modern day world.

Week 36 of learning with Ms. Connolly


I am continuing to complete assessments of students’ reading levels every morning as I gather information for report cards. Students who are not being assessed are either working with support staff or reading quietly around the classroom and becoming very good at reading quietly, ignoring distractions, and staying in one spot.

We have started to revisit the vowel sounds and listing words that have different words that have combination of letters to make vowel sounds such as “-ight” for the long “i” sound or “ai” for the long a sound.

There is often a “summer reading slide” for primary readers as they get out of the routine of reading daily, or 5 times a week, in a classroom setting. This can be curbed by ensuring your child reads regularly through participation in the summer reading program offered by the Thompson-Nicola Regional Libary. Westsyde receives a weekly visit from the bookmobile every Tuesday evening from 5-7 in the Save-on-Foods parking lot. Books can be ordered online and delivered by the bookmobile to Westsyde on Tuesdays. Please access this service by clicking on the link below.



We will be singing popular songs karaoke style to make our poem practice more interesting and engaging until the end of the year. If you have any recommendations for child appropriate songs that your children like to sing at home, please let me know and I will try to add it to our June soundtrack.

The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest. If your child has lost their book please let me know and we can print off a new one.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725




This book will be arriving on Tuesday at the book mobile, but I was expecting it last week. Anyway, we will be completing this loose parts writing activity this week. Students will be expected to use loose parts to create and describe their needs and/or wants. They will be expected to write the following sentences.

Some things that I need to have to be healthy include …

Some things that I want to have include…..

They will also be asked to define a need compared to a want.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 2 sentences about their creations.

Last week I ended up reading a different book called “How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers. We have been learning about objects in the sky and students were ask to write about a real object in the sky that they would like to catch and add details about how they might go about catching their object from the sky after using loose parts to create their art work in response to the story and question posed.

After 20 minutes of silent reading students have also been creating mini books with at least 10 words while groups are meeting with myself or support staff. This seems to be a highly motivational writing time as students love to create their own stories with illustrations.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


Math Tips for Parents – I found a great resource from our district literacy coordinator Katie McCormack. She has a YouTube Channel with some videos that parents can view if they are interested in doing more math with their child at home. Please click on the link below to view those short videos.


Students continue to learn about money and the value of different coins. We will also be learning to differentiate the difference between needs and wants as part of our financial literacy unit.

which one doesn’t belong
Which One Doesn't Belong – Nowa Techie
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Killian earned $14 walking his neighbour’s dogs for 2 weeks straight with his brother Justin. He needs $20 to buy a Mario Brother’s toy. How much more money does he need to earn to buy his Mario toy?


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We finished our personal safety program called Be Safe last week.

We will continue to spend most of our PE blocks outside until the end of the year.


Students have been having fun using the boomwackers to play songs about objects in the sky. Our best song so far is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

We will also be playing some fun drama games this week.



This week we will have a guest presentation from the Big Little Science Centre about physical and Chemical Reactions on Tuesday.

For the remainder of the school year we will continue to learn about objects in the sky, especially the planets and constellations. I’m hoping to cover this over the next couple of week. Information about these objects will be shared from the websites below.


The link below is a lesson for primary students called “Luna’s Book of Constellations” found at Discovery Education, a program that teachers use in our district. However passwords are required to access these resources, and I’m not sure if this link will be accessible to you…


We will also watch a mini-lesson by mystery Doug called “Has a shooting star ever landed on someone?”



I have received several photos of students as children this past week. We have had fun trying to identify who this person is. Please email a photograph of your child as a baby/toddler, or through the years if you have all of those photos. We are sequencing images over time and learning about what has changed and what has stayed the same. We will be looking at life cycles of animals and plants, along with images of our community from years ago and compare them with images from our modern day world.

Week 35 of learning with Ms. Connolly


I have started assessing students’ reading levels every morning as I gather information for report cards. Students who are not being assessed are becoming very good at reading quietly, ignoring distractions, and staying in one spot.

We have started to revisit the vowel sounds and listing words that have different words that have combination of letters to make vowel sounds such as “-ight” for the long “i” sound or “ai” for the long a sound. Decoding some of these words seem to be a road block for some students trying to sound out unknown words and any extra review at home may help your child.


We will be singing popular songs karaoke style to make our poem practice more interesting and engaging until the end of the year. If you have any recommendations for child appropriate songs that your children like to sing at home, please let me know and I will try to add it to our June soundtrack.

The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest. If your child has lost their book please let me know and we can print off a new one.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725




Students will be expected to use loose parts to create and describe their needs and/or wants. They will be expected to write the following sentences.

Some things that I need to have to be healthy include …

Some things that I want to have include…..

They will also be asked to define a need compared to a want.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 2 sentences about their creations.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


Math Tips for Parents – I found a great resource from our district literacy coordinator Katie McCormack. She has a YouTube Channel with some videos that parents can view if they are interested in doing more math with their child at home. Please click on the link below to view those short videos.


Students continue to learn about money and the value of different coins. We will also be learning to differentiate the difference between needs and wants as part of our financial literacy unit.

which one doesn’t belong
Which One Doesn't Belong - Canadian Coins by Miss Laidlaw's Classroom
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Khaleesi had $20 to spend at the dollar store. She bought 7 tubs of playdough for $2 each (including taxes). How much money did Khaleesi have left after making her purchase?

Can she afford a $10 paint set?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


Students will be assessed on their fundamental movements skills this week.

We are also going to continue the personal safety program called Be Safe. Information about this program is included in the video below.


We completed our Deep Space Sparkle lesson last week and their balloon dog creations are posted in our class near the outside windows.

We are going to bring out the Boomwackers this week and revisit some of the musical concepts we learned earlier in the year. We are going to try and play the following song.


Last week students learned about the life cycle of their bird and we have now finished our bird project. We are now anxiously waiting for the chicks to hatch. The temperature setting was accidently adjusted one day and we discovered a very warm incubator on Thursday morning. We are hopeful that our chicks will still hatch sometime between June 22-24. We candled the eggs yesterday and we have chicks developing inside the eggs. Students got to see the developing chicks moving inside the eggs, which was incredibly fascinating.

This week we will be learning about objects in the sky including the sun and the stars.


This month we are going to be sequencing images over time and learning about what has changed and what has stayed the same. We will be looking at life cycles of animals and plants, along with images of our community from years ago and compare them with images from our modern day world.

I would also like to apply this idea to each student over the course of the month of June. If you could kindly send or email a baby photo of your child to share with the class I would greatly appreciate it. We are hoping to compare how they have changed over time. I will be sharing baby photos of myself and my own children with the class. This can be a really fun activity and I’m sure your child will be begging you to send their baby picture for the class to see.

Week 34 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to start our mornings with read to self (silent reading) while teachers and support staff take groups for guided reading. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible.

We contiue to review some of the blend sounds (words that start with 2 consonants. for example “bl” for block, black, blink, blue, blast, blow, blurry…). Sounding out these words seem to be a road block for some students trying to decode unknown words and any extra review at home may help your child.


We will be singing popular songs karaoke style to make our poem practice more interesting and engaging until the end of the year. If you have any recommendations for child appropriate songs that your children like to sing at home, please let me know and I will try to add it to our June soundtrack.

The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest. If your child has lost their book please let me know and we can print off a new one.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


Little Red Fort by Brenda Maier



Students will be expected to use loose parts to imagine themselves making a fort, adding extra detail, then describe what they needed to do to make that fort. This can be imaginary or about a time they actually made a fort.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 2 sentences about their fort building story after using loose parts.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


Math Tips for Parents – I found a great resource from our district literacy coordinator Katie McCormack. She has a YouTube Channel with some videos that parents can view if they are interested in doing more math with their child at home. Please click on the link below to view those short videos.


We are going to start learning about money this month. Students will be learning the names and values of coins through various money games and activities including bingo and counting coin collections.

which one doesn’t belong
Which One Doesn't Belong - Canadian Coins | Which one doesnt belong,  Canadian coins, Kindergarten math
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Jase had 12 fertilized eggs for our incubator. Mrs.Connolly was able to get another dozen fertilized eggs from her friend who recently got a rooster to help protect her laying hens. How many fertilized eggs did they have all together?

The incubator could only hold 18 eggs. How many eggs did we have left over from the original 2 dozen after putting the 18 eggs into the incubator?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We are going to continue to try and get as much outdoor Physical Education as we can until the end of the year. We are currently playing on the playground and playing soccer during our PE blocks.

File:Soccerball.svg - Wikimedia Commons

We are also going to start a personal safety program called Be Safe. Information about this program is included in the video below.


We completed most of our plays last week and the students did a great job of following their script.

We will be attempting this deep space sparkle lesson this week or possibly next week depending on how our week goes.

Students regularly get the opportunity to create visual arts through our weekly loose parts play.


Last week we learned about their structural features and the mass of their bird. This week I am hoping will be learning about the life cycle of their bird. We are going to try and hatch some chicks this month, and compare the life cycle of a chicken to the life cycle of their own bird.


This month we are going to be sequencing images over time and learning about what has changed and what has stayed the same. We will be looking at life cycles of animals and plants, along with images of our community from years ago and compare them with images from our modern day world.

I would also like to apply this idea to each student over the course of the month of June. If you could kindly send or email a baby photo of your child to share with the class I would greatly appreciate it. We are hoping to compare how they have changed over time. I will be sharing baby photos of myself and my own children with the class. This can be a really fun activity and I’m sure your child will be begging you to send their baby picture for the class to see.

Week 33 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to start our mornings with read to self (silent reading) while teachers and support staff take groups for guided reading. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible.

We contiue to review some of the blend sounds (words that start with 2 consonants. for example “bl” for block, black, blink, blue, blast, blow, blurry…). Sounding out these words seem to be a road block for some students trying to decode unknown words and any extra review at home may help your child.


The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest. If your child has lost their book please let me know and we can print off a new one.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


My Map Book by Sara Fanelli



Students will be expected to use loose parts to make imagine an object they need to measure and create a scene. They will later be asked to explain what they measured and why they measured it, described its size with the units they have selected to use for it’s measurements. I’m hoping they will have a lot to write about. Our class has become very good at using the loose parts and cleaning up in a more orderly fashion than when we first started this activity in January. Tessa Watson came into my classroom at Westmount in 2018 to model this writing activity and I feel that it has definitely improved their motivation to write.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 3 sentences about their bird story after using loose parts to recreate their experience.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


Math Tips for Parents – I found a great resource from our district literacy coordinator Katie McCormack. She has a YouTube Channel with some videos that parents can view if they are interested in doing more math with their child at home. Please click on the link below to view those short videos.


which one doesn’t belong
Which One Doesn't Belong? Measuring Critters | Math At Home

We continue to measure the size and weight of our birds. We are also going to learn about capacity this week, and I am hoping we can make a special bubble solution using capacity measurements as we attempt to blow some really big bubbles.

We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Hunter wanted to bake a birthday cake to share with the whole class. Her cake reciped called for 2 cups of flour. Hunter loved baking so much that she decided to bake a cake for each class at our school. There are 9 classed at our school. How many cups of flour did Hunter need?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We are going to continue to try and get as much outdoor Physical Education as we can until the end of the year. We are currently playing on the playground and playing soccer during our PE blocks.

File:Soccerball.svg - Wikimedia Commons


We will continue to practice our reader’s theatre during guided reading. Students have the opportunity to read books that can also be converted into plays. In our reading groups, we have started assigning roles to different students who read their lines aloud. Eventually, we are hoping to get good enough to act out our plays.


Last week we learned about the size (wingspan) and geographic range of their bird. This week we will be learning about their structural features and mass of their bird. The following week I am hoping will be learning about the life cycle of their bird.

We will also learn about why animals come back after going to warm places in the winter.



We continue to learn about perspective this week and we will be reading School’s First Day of School by Adam Rex. Students will be asked to write a few sentences about how an object at our school might feel (assuming it actually had feelings).

Week 32 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to start our mornings with read to self (silent reading) while teachers and support staff take groups for guided reading. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible.

We are now working on reviewing some of the blend sounds (words that start with 2 consonants. for example “bl” for block, black, blink, blue, blast, blow, blurry…). Sounding out these words seem to be a road block for some students trying to decode unknown words and any extra review at home may help your child.


The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


My Map Book by Sara Fanelli



Students will be expected to use loose parts to make a map of anything – their street, their bedroom, their house, their school, their family, their day, etc. They will then write about their map, from which perspective it has been created, and describe the different parts of their map.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 3 sentences about their bird story after using loose parts to recreate their experience.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


which one doesn’t belong
Classification Game for Preschool - What does not belong? Topic: Birds |  Nursery activities, Preschool games, Preschool classroom
We didn’t get to this last week – we will be doing both of these this week.

We finished our unit on probability and started a unit on measurement. We will be measuring our bird’s height, wing span, and weight using standard and non standard units this week. Last week we measured our height by tracing our bodies on the tarmac and counting how many feet fit inside, and some measured using their hands too. We will be measuring our own “wingspan” this week and compare it to our bird’s wingspan.

We are also going to try and measure the weight of our birds using a spring and pan balance.

We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

We ran out of time last week to complete our CGI lesson and will be completing this question this week.

Students will be asked to answer the following question, using pictures, numerals, and/or equations to solve the mathematical question. This will be a guided lesson where support will be provided as we continue this routine. Eventually they will be expected to answer the problem of the week independently.

The questions students will be asked to solve include the following. Hannah used paper clips to measure how big her foot was. She needed 15 paper clips to measure the length of her foot from toe to heel. Jace used 19 paper clips to measure the length of his foot. What is the different between the length of Hannah’s foot and the length of Jace’s foot?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We are going to continue to try and get as much outdoor Physical Education as we can until the end of the year. We are currently playing on the playground and playing soccer during our PE blocks.

File:Soccerball.svg - Wikimedia Commons


We will continue to practice our reader’s theatre during guided reading. Students have the opportunity to read books that can also be converted into plays. In our reading groups, we have started assigning roles to different students who read their lines aloud. Eventually, we will get good enough to act out our plays.


Students learned the scientific and Swecwepmec names of their selected bird. We recorded their bird of choice and its Swecwepmec name on a green screen and I shared their finished word on FreshGrade. If your child does not have a green screen presentation, it is because they have not yet finished their film. We also learned about bird diets and the difference between a carnivore, omnivore and herbivore. Students had the opportunity to “dissect” an owl pellet and discover what the owl ate based on the bones they discovered in the pellet. Most students wanted to take their bones home, so they were asked to wrap them in tin foil or fold it into the bone identification sheet and place it in their agendas. This week we will be learning about the size (height, wingspan, and mass), structural features, and life cycle of their bird.


We will be discussing perspective this week during our loose parts writing activity and through a discussions on perspective after reading a variety of story books including The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, Somebody and the Three Blairs by Marilyn Tolhurst, and The True Story of the Three Little pigs by Jon Scieszka (and possibly Two Bad Ants by Chris Van Alsburg, and  School’s First Day of School by Adam Rex).

Week 31 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to start our mornings with read to self (silent reading) while teachers and support staff take groups for guided reading. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible.

We are now working on reviewing some of the blend sounds (words that start with 2 consonants. for example “bl” for block, black, blink, blue, blast, blow, blurry…). Sounding out these words seem to be a road block for some students and any extra review at home may help your


The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


A Very Improbable Story by Edward Einhorn

Last week I found a great book related to probability that I decided to read instead of the Totally Secret Secret. Students created stories that were about impossible situations.

A Bird is a Bird by Lizzy Rockwell



Students will be writing about any experience they have had with a bird. It can be about the bird they have chosen to learn about, or a time they saw a bird in the sky.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 3 sentences about their bird story after using loose parts to recreate their experience.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


which one doesn’t belong
Classification Game for Preschool - What does not belong? Topic: Birds |  Nursery activities, Preschool games, Preschool classroom
Probability and measurement

We will be finshing our unit on probability this week and starting a unit on measurement. We will be measuring our bird’s height, wing span, and weight using standard and non standard units.

We will also be measuring our own bodies using standard and non standard unit.

We will be playing games including the one found at the website below.


We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Students will be asked to answer the following question, using pictures, numerals, and/or equations to solve the mathematical question. This will be a guided lesson where support will be provided as we continue this routine. Eventually they will be expected to answer the problem of the week independently.

The questions students will be asked to solve include the following. Hannah used paper clips to measure how big her foot was. She needed 15 paper clips to measure the length of her foot from toe to heel. Jace used 19 paper clips to measure the length of his foot. What is the different between the length of Hannah’s foot and the length of Jace’s foot?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We are going to continue to try and get as much outdoor Physical Education as we can until the end of the year. We are currently playing soccer during of PE blocks.

File:Soccerball.svg - Wikimedia Commons


Durin guided reading, students have the opportunity to read books that can also be converted into plays. In our reading groups, we have started assigning roles to different students who read their lines aloud. Eventually, we will get good enough to act out our plays.


Students will be learning the scientific and Swecwepmec names of their selected bird. We will try to use Green Screen technology to present this information in a neat way and share it through FreshGrade. We will also be learning about their structural features, geographic range, and diet. Typically I teach this with the help of big buddies, but unfortunately we do not have big buddies this year due to cohort restrictions. We may not be able to cover it all this week.

Week 30 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to start our mornings with read to self (silent reading) while teachers and support staff take groups for guided reading. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible.

We have been reviewing the vowel sounds and Beatrice reminded us of a very fun poem that will be our poem of the week this week!


The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


Ballet Cat – the Totally Secret by Shea



Students will be writing their own personal stories using speech bubbles like the ones found in Elephant and Piggie books as well as Ballet Cat.

Students are strongly encouraged to write at least 3 pages in their mini books, one for each part of the story.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind your child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


which one doesn’t belong

We will continue to learn about probability this week, and use probability words such as likely, unlikely, certain, impossible.

We will be playing probability games using coins and spinners as part of our math lessons this week.

We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Students will be asked to answer the following question, using pictures, numerals, and/or equations to solve the mathematical question. This will be a guided lesson where support will be provided as we continue this routine. Eventually they will be expected to answer the problem of the week independently.

The questions students will be asked to solve include the following. Dennis used 8 nails to complete his woodworking project. He decided to make another woodworking project that required 12 nails. How many nails did Dennis need all together?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


We will continue to skip count and count in Secwepemctsin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.


We are going to continue to try and get as much outdoor Physical Education as we can until the end of the year. We are currently playing soccer during of PE blocks.

File:Soccerball.svg - Wikimedia Commons


We will continue to practice acting out the In the Garden Poem.


Students have selected a local bird that they would like to learn about. We will study our birds over the month of May and June. Please ask your child which bird they have selected.

We will also be working on the following Mystery Science Lesson about how flowers bloom in the spring.


Jaimi Garbutt presented us valuable information about the water cycle and how we access clean water in our city. This presentation was done through Zoom again. Students have received 2 colouring books from the City of Kamloops highlighting information they have learned during these presentations.

This week we will be working on a special project to celebrate Mother’s Day.

Students will be coming home with a special gift for Mother’s Day.

Week 29 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to practice retelling stories using the shapes below to guide our thinking below. We are also using this guide to write our own stories.

In the Garden" K-2 Leveled Science Poetry | Poetry for kids, Kids poems,  Childrens poems

The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


I Spy A to Z by Jean Marzollo, Photographs by Walter Wick



Students will be writing their own personal I spy books using interesting descriptive words to help make their stories more interesting. They will start with loose parts to get their creative juices flowing, then they will use little booklets to fill in at least 3 pages with one I spy sentence per page.

Students are strongly encouraged to write 3 sentences, one for each part of the story.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind you child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again. If your child has lost his/her book, please have him/her see me as it may have fallen out of their agenda on the way to their lockers, and placed back in my collection. Or you can also send me an email.


which one doesn’t belong

We will be learning about probability this week.

We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Students will be asked to answer the following question, using pictures, numerals, and/or equations to solve the mathematical question. This will be a guided lesson where support will be provided as we continue this routine. Eventually they will be expected to answer the problem of the week independently.

The questions students will be asked to solve include the following. Cecilia planted 20 trees for Earth Day. 7 of them did not get enough water and did not grow. If the rest sprouted, how many trees survived the drought?

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


Students became very good at counting by 2s to 20, 10s to 100 and 5s to 35. Half the students are still working toward counting consistently by 5s, past 35, all the way to 100. We will also revisit counting to 10 in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Secwepemctsin.


Since the weather is so nice, and we are encouraged to spend time outside, we are going to try and spend most of our PE days outside playing sports on the field. Last week we learned about track and field events. This week I am hoping we will get to play soccer.


drama – Acting out our poem of the week

We will be acting out this week’s poem as we learn about the art of drama. Students will explore other poems that we have learned this year that could easily be acted out.


Students will be selecting a locale bird that they would like to learn about this week. We will study our birds over the month of May and June.


This week we will be having a second presentation with Jaimi Garbutt about the water cycle and how we access clean water in our city. This presentation will be done through Zoom again. We did a waste reduction presentation on April 13th and the kids did great with the Zoom teaching and we got to learn a lot about how our waste gets processed, including images of the sorting centre for recycled goods, and pictures of the city dump and where our waste gets burried. It was quite fascinating.

Week 28 of learning with Ms. Connolly


We continue to practice retelling stories using the shapes below to guide our thinking below. We are also using this guide to write our own stories.


The spelling test for this poem will be completed next Friday.

What makes sense?

What sounds right?

What looks right?

The Poem of the week, along with the spelling test, can be found on the google doc link below.


sight word & fluency phrases books

Students who are regularly practicing and passing levels in these books have seen a consistent improvement in their ability to complete reading assessments with confidence. Please continue to work on this book with your child if and when s/he shows an interest.

I am also sharing a literacy resource that Mrs. Watson recommended.

books read aloud online

Storyline online https://www.storylineonline.net/


Tumble Book Library – https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/book.aspx?id=4725


Rocket Writes a Story by Tad Hills



Students will be using this story to try and write their own stories, thinking about the elements that are in stories – characters, setting, problem, beginning middle and end.

Students are strongly encouraged to write 3 sentences, once for each part of the story.

(when it applies to the given task)

Please remind you child to bring their agenda and their home reading book back everyday, even if s/he would like to read it again.


which one doesn’t belong
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We will continue to learn about graphing this week. We will specifically learn how to interpret graphs and what the information is telling us about the data that has been collected.

We have been using this worksheet to complete our counting collections activity. In the large box, students were expected to draw images of how they counted their collections using the tools provided. We will be using this worksheet until the end of the school year.
Problem of the week – Cognitive Guided Instruction

Students will be asked to answer the following question, using pictures, numerals, and/or equations to solve the mathematical question. This will be a guided lesson where support will be provided as we continue this routine. Eventually they will be expected to answer the problem of the week independently.

The questions students will be asked to solve include the following. Beatrice has a nickel. She flips her nickel 20 times. What is the likely hood that it will land on heads every time? If the nickel lands on heads 10 times, how many times did it land on tails.

We will continue to complete the problem of the week on white boards.


Students became very good at counting by 2s to 20, 10s to 100 and 5s to 35. Half the students are still working toward counting consistently by 5s, past 35, all the way to 100. We will also revisit counting to 10 in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Secwepemctsin.


We completed our EASE unit as well as our badminton unit. We will be doing some outdoor track and field activities found in this resource.


drama – chatterpix

Students are going to use the app Chatterpix to make an object have a voice. We will also use this app throughout the second term to demonstrate our understanding of learning in social studies, science, math, and language arts. FreshGrade Posts will be shared upon completion of assigned tasks.


We continue to learn about birds this week. We will be watching a Mystery Science Lesson called “Why do birds have beaks?” and complete the activity that expores how a beak’s shape allows it to access different types of food.


As part of our Earth Day celebrations we will be rooting and planting some house plants on April 22nd. We will also will be reading Earth Day by Molly Aloian.